Saturday, December 17, 2011


It's great how homeschooling changes and is so adaptable.  I can adapt learning to the holidays, to specific studies of interest, and to different learning needs and ages.  I've come across some wonderful resources and tools lately simply through sharing and getting ideas with others on the same homeschooling path.  Some of them have really made all the difference in learning and how our days go.
First, I had a friend tell me about an online program called Reading Eggs.  It is exactly what we needed right now.  Kyler is so "techy" and was getting frustrated and bored with some of the phonics lessons.  This interactive website is right up his alley, with goals and steps on a map as he works his way through phonetic sounds, blends, and sight words.  It's game centered, yet every lesson  meets something on my curriculum list, so has a purpose.  It's independent enough that I can work on dinner in the kitchen while he completes his lesson just a few feet way, but also perfect to sit down and do together.  I love how Dylan likes to sit by Kyler and take it all in.  I can only imagine how much he is learning just watching his big brother.  Reading Eggs has made such a difference in our homeschool day.
Another friend recommended this bible for children and I happened to find it half off!  Kyler LOVES it.  The wording is perfect for his age and has opened up so many wonderful discussions.  Kyler begs for another story after we finish one as the pages seem to just come alive, taking us both back in time and opening up our hearts to what God has in store for us each day.  This little bible has truly changed the way Kyler views bible stories.  I love incorporating it into our read aloud time.   Such a great version!
Another friend introduced me to Math Miquon labs.  Kyler loves anything that has to do with investigating and exploring.  These hands on labs are the perfect addition to our math goals, keeping math creative and fun.  After we finished a lesson this week, he asked if he could do it again and do ten more labs.  Love working enthusiasm!  (which is definitely not always the case with Ky!)
Kyler can not get enough of Bill Nye the science guy.  Every time I go to the library, I pick up a handful of DVDs and he would watch them all in one day if I'd let him.  He's so fascinated with anything science!
Bill Nye has tons of experiments through out it's shows, which leads to crazy things like this all over our house.  Here is our stalagmite and stalagtite experiment using epson salt water.

I love being an eclectic homeschooler... changing things up as we go when needed, pulling from all kinds of resources and keeping learning fun and relevant to life!

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